The N-PEN E-Newsmagazine is Nehru College of Pharmacy E-Newsmagazine bi-annual
online magazine. N-PEN provides a perfect opportunity for exchange of information, very lively
forecasts to serve students and the scientific community even better in the future. Our platform is a
sacred space of student voices, and thus, it is our duty to highpoint the multiplicity on campus and
to use as a place for learning. We aim to host a dais for pharmacy students, staff, and researchers
to share their contributions, scientific facts, and inventive works. It carries messages from the
dignitaries. The students and faculty achievements have been inserted and also narrative pages
consisting of scientific articles from students & staff with academic, research and co-curricular
activities. The N-PEN Volume 1 & Issue 1 was launched on 29th August 2022 (January – June 2022).
Nehru College of Pharmacy covering a span of 20 years of yeomen service to the community, our founder
Late. Shri. P. K. Das who built this educational dynasty with his indelible prints.
Chairman & Managing Trustee Adv. Dr. P. Krishnadas has offered the consistent support for N-PEN.
Administrative Manager Mr. M. Srinivas and Principal Dr. D. Vijaykumar rendered relentless support in
accomplishing N-PEN.
Editor in chief of N-PEN is Prof. Dr. R. Prema, Department of Pharmaceutics, Nehru College of Pharmacy,
Pampady, Thrissur, Kerala.