The world health organization [WHO] has defined health as straight of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity; within the context of this definition health care provider play a major role in striving for heath in a population.
Pharmacy is the branch of science that links the health science with the chemical science, and it is well concerned with the discovery, development, production, and distribution of drugs. Drugs are substances used to diagnose, prevent, cure or relieve the symptoms of a disease. Pharmacists are the medication experts on the health care system, offering information and advice to help patients successfully manage their medication therapy with minimum side effects.
India is well advanced in the field of medical education and medical care. The growth can be attributed to quality medical institutions available and partly due to the application of technology in medicine. The Medical Education in India is rated as one of the best in the world. Success of the medical care depends on the competence of complementary and powerful paramedical sciences especially pharmacy.
The Pharmaceutical services have assumed greater importance in India and abroad to keep abreast of the newer developments, Diploma, Graduate Pharmacists are having a greater demand worldwide. Hence educational Institutions of Pharmacy have also come up in greater numbers with updated curriculum to fulfil the demand.